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One statistical analysis is regression analysis. One regression that has the assumption of poisson distribution is poisson regression which has the assumption of poisson distribution. Neonatal deaths are still very rare, so the proper analysis is used, namely Generalized Poisson Regression. This regression method is specifically used for Poissson distributed data. The stages that will be carried out in this research are Poisson distribution test and equidispersion assumption, parameter estimation, model feasibility test and best model selection. Data from the Jambi City Health Office in 2018 showed that the Generalized Poisson Regression regression alleged had a variable number of first trimester visits, the number of pregnant women getting Tetanus Diptheria immunization, the estimated number of neonatal infants with complications, the number of infants receiving Hepatitis B immunization was less than twenty-four hours, the number of infants receiving BCG immunizations.


generalized poisson regression, distribution, analysis

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How to Cite
Sormin C, Z G, Nurhidayah N. Generalized Poisson Regression Type-II at Jambi City Health Office. EKSAKTA [Internet]. 2020Apr.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];21(1):54-8. Available from: