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This research is to test the N-1 security contingency analysis using the IEEE 9 bus application performance index method. In this study, the N-1 contingency was carried out where only one discharge between buses occurred which was implemented on the IEEE 9 bus system using the Newton Raphson power flow method. . From the results of the power flow calculation, the active power value of the channel is taken with the maximum iteration limit that has been determined to achieve a convergent value in the method. Channel ranking is based on Performance Index (PI) values. PI calculation is done every channel release with the help of Etap 12.6 software. In the first channel discharge scenario, the largest PI value is found on channels 9-8 with PI 3.0658 because the bus is overloaded. Not all channels are overloaded when a channel is released, one of which is still able to accommodate the load, this occurs on channels 3 Bus 7 to Bus 8 of 0.5418. Then to overcome these advantages added loading power so as not to become too heavy and the value of the performance index is reduced.


Contigency analysis Newton Raphson Performance Index Ranking IEEE 9 Bus Power Flow

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How to Cite
Gultom AR, Dewi AY, Zukarnaini, Kartiria. N-1 Security Contingency Analysis through the IEEE Bus Application Performance Index Method 9. EKSAKTA [Internet]. 2023Mar.30 [cited 2025Jan.15];24(01):40-55. Available from:


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