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The study used a quantitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the CSI value obtained through the analysis was 75.67% for the level of student satisfaction, 81.75% for the level of satisfaction of lecturers, 75.15% for the level of satisfaction of education personnel. Students consider that in implementing MBKM, the priority is the issue of funds and the completeness of learning instruments. Things that are considered necessary to be maintained because of their  satisfactory performance are the study program services in providing human resources for course lecturers, mentors from partners, coordinator lecturers and guardian lecturers who are declared capable, responsive, accommodating, communicative, cooperative, helpful, in administering courses and guiding problem solving. The HR Hospitality of academic staff also supports the satisfaction of the MBKM implementation so as to encourage the high interest of students to take MBKM courses in the internship program. Lecturers, staff and students agreed that the socialization and information about MBKM learning had been carried out properly so that it was considered not a priority, besides the three parties argued that the lecturers were in accordance with their competencies and the work environment and infrastructure were in accordance with the needs.  


Internship Student Competence Polic

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How to Cite
Hermawan F, Damayanti J, Nelfia LO, Puspitasari P, Kurniyaningrum E, Kuswanda GF, Margaretta F. Statistical Analysis with Moment Products with a Quantitative Descriptive Approach for Competence in MBKM Implementation . EKSAKTA [Internet]. 2024Dec.30 [cited 2025Jan.15];25(04):508-1. Available from:


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