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Disaster mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce disaster risk. One of the disaster mitigation efforts is the supervision of the implementation of spatial planning. Knowing the level of damage to buildings in a region in the event of a disaster can supervise the implementation of spatial planning. To predict the level of damage to buildings in an area, we can use the Bayesian network (BN). There are several types of BN based on the variable type; discrete, continuous, and hybrid BN. A discrete BN is a model in which all the variables involved are discrete. Therefore, if there is a continuous variable, it is necessary to discretize the variable. In this paper, modifications are made to the algorithm commonly used in the clustering process to be used in the discretization process. The algorithm used is the K-Medoids algorithm, where this algorithm uses existing data as a representative of the cluster center. Then, the BN model and the K-Medoids algorithm were used to determine the level of damage to buildings due to the earthquake that occurred in West Sumatra in 2009. From 25,000 house damage data used in this study, we obtain an accuracy rate is 95.17%.


Mitigation, K-medoids, bayesian networks, earthquake, damage.

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How to Cite
Sari DP, Rosha M, Rosadi D. Disaster Mitigation Efforts Using K-Medoids Algorithm and Bayesian Network . EKSAKTA [Internet]. 2022Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.9];23(03):231-4. Available from:


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