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This research aimed to analyze the characterization of biodegradable plastic nata de soya (NDS). The addictive substance used to manufacture this plastic is a mixture of glycerol and palm oil with a saturated solution of arabic gum as an emulsifier. The volume variations are A (10:5:15) mL, B (10:10:30) mL, C (10:15:45) mL, control is (10 mL of 3% glycerol) and soaking time for NDS sheets with additives are 4, 6, and 8 days. The results showed that the highest degradation power of NDS is 87% in the variation of additive C with an immersion period of 8 days had a degree of crystallinity of 8.075%. The water resistance test was 318% in an immersion of NDS plastic with a variation of C for four days had a degree of crystallinity of 12.47%. The highest tensile strength value of plastic was 23.459 MPa in the composition of additive C with four days of immersion and had a degree of crystallinity of 13.172%.


NDS biodegradable plastic addictive substances glycerol palm oil

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How to Cite
Iryani I, Iswendi I, Benti Etika S, Devira C, Fadila Putra R. Characterization of Biodegradable Plastic Nata De Soya Using Glycerol and Palm Oil Addictive Substances . EKSAKTA [Internet]. 2021Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.11];22(3):211-9. Available from:


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