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In general, the conic section equation consists of three parts, namely quadratic, cross-product, and linear terms. A conic sections will be easily determined by its shape if it does not contain cross-product term, otherwise it is difficult to determine. Analytically a cone slice is a quadratic form of equation. A concept in linear algebraic discussion can be applied to facilitate the discovery of a shape of a conic section. The process of diagonalization can transform a quadratic form into another form which does not contain crosslinking tribes, ie by diagonalizing the quadrate portion. Hence this paper presents the application of an algebraic concept to find a form of conic sections.


conic section (conic), transformation, quadratic, diagonalization

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How to Cite
Rizal Y. DIAGONALISASI BENTUK KUADRATIK IRISAN KERUCUT. EKSAKTA [Internet]. 2018Apr.25 [cited 2025Mar.9];19(1):83-90. Available from: