Title Eksakta: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA
Initials Eksakta
Abbreviation Eksakta
Print ISSN 1411-3724
Online ISSN 2549-7464
Publisher Universitas Negeri Padang
Frequency 4 issues per year
DOI prefix 10.24036
Editor-in-chief Prof. Dr. Rahadian Zainul, S.Pd., M.Si.




Description :
Eksakta : Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA (E-ISSN : 2549-7464)  is an open access journal and peer-reviewed that publishes either original articles or reviews.  This journal is published by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia. The journal is dedicated towards dissemination of knowledge related to the advancement in scientific research. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal. Under the realm of science and technology, the coverage includes environmental science, pure and applied mathematics, agricultural research and engineering, biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, Healthcare sciences (including clinical medicine, preventive medicine & public health), physics, biophysics, computer science, chemistry and bioengineering, to name a few. 

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Vol. 26 No. 01 (2025): Eksakta : Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA (E-ISSN : 2549-7464) In Progress

January- Maret 2025

On Progress

Published: Mar 30, 2025

Anatomy of Cleome rutidosperma DC. (Cleomaceae) Ovary Development in Mataram City

1-11 Zuhara Dwi Lestari, Quratul Puspa Aeni, Zalianty Dwinur Safitri, Satria Gunawan, Windi Pratami, Nur Shopya Affifaturrahmah, Suci Miranti, Tri Mulyaningsih

The Effect of Concentration and Time Interval of Golden Snail Liquid Organic Fertilizer on The Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn (Zea mays var.saccharata Sturt)

12-22 Zahanis Zahanis, Cindy Agustin Putri, Milda Ernita, Afrironadiyanti

Learning and Memory Impairment in High Fat Diet Induced Obesity

23-34 Citra Ariani, Nurhadi Ibrahim, Sophie Yolanda

Design and Reliability Analysis of Four-Legged Jacket Type Offshore Platform in North Java Sea

35-49 Siti Kaban, Sandy Hardian Susanto Herho, Ricky Tawekal, Dasapta Erwin Irawan

Preparation and Analysis of Dual-Property Coated Metal Foams for Potential Wick Structures in Heat Pipe Applications

50-60 Doli Bonardo, Hollanda Arief Kusuma, Muhammad Tanveer, Budi Dharma, Fauzan Amri

Identification of Klebsiella pneumoniae and the Inhibitory Effect of Soursop Leaves (Annona muricata L.) on Swab Samples from Diabetes Patients

61-73 Yulia Ratna Dewi, Emma Ismawatie, Yulita Maulani

The Combination of Bay Leaf (Syzgyum polyanthum) and Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia) in Lowering Cholesterol Levels in Balb/C Hypercholesterolemia Mice

74-85 Ainullatiffah Noor, Nanik Lestariningsih, Lilin Ika Nur Indahsari

Determination of Anthocyanin Content and Antioxidant Activity in Sidenuk Black Rice Mutant (Oryza sativa var. sidenuk)

86-100 Aditya Nugraha Respati, Sumaryati Syukur, Ishak

6-Gingerol Slightly Reduces Hepatic Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Markers in Rats with High-Fat, High-Fructose Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome

101-112 Nouman Ahmad, Syarifah Dewi, Vivian Soetikno
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